Mars Needs Moms

Mum would approve


Director: Simon Wells,
Starring: Seth Green, Joan Cusack, Dan Fogler

The latest creative work to come from Walt Disney is a fun sci-fi fantasy tale of a planet desperately in need of mums. The only problem is that the planet in need is Mars, and the aliens looking for mums are taking their pick of the best from Earth.

Milo is a typical nine-year old boy who doesn’t care too much for eating broccoli, doing his household chores or listening to any of the other requests his mum makes. But when she’s nabbed for her motherly skills by a passing spaceship, Milo soon realises that he needs his mum – more than the mum-less aliens on Mars – and so sets out to save her.

Based on the book by Berkeley Breathed, Mars Needs Moms is a laugh-out-loud family-friendly film that, although a little padded out, is thoroughly entertaining. The 3D wizardry is pretty impressive too, though we’re quite sure mum would agree that the 3D specs are quite unnecessary and getting a little tiring already. Now turn the telly off and eat your greens.

Genre: Animation | Action | Adventure
Age Restriction: PG
Runtime: 88 min